Surge Protection with new demand for sophisticate electronic equipment


  • Gold Medal and Award at the International Innovations Fair in Bosnia and Hercegovine - Banja Luka (21-27.04.2010)


  • Special Recongnition form Europe Patent Organization - Skopje 22.04.2009




  • Gold Medal and Award at the International IFIA exhibition 2007 Belgrade "Nikola Tesla" (29-31.10.2007)


  • Patent of the Year 2007 from the “State Office of Industrial property” of the Republic of Macedonia (17.12.2007)


  • Grand-Pri and Goblet 2007 issued by the Fair for Innovations and Technical Achievement - “Tehnoma-Makinova” (23-28.10.2007)




  • Gold Medal and Award at the International Innovations Fair in Seul, South Korea (4-8.12.2002)


  • Grand-Pri and Goblet issued by the Fair for Innovations and Technical Achieve-ment Makinova (22-27.10.2002)


  • Diploma and Recognition by Macedonian Chamber of Commerce for achieved and significant results in the filed of innovations and technical achievements
